Decree of the Senate on philosophers and rhetoricians

( 161 BC )


Suetonius, de claris rhetoribus, c. 1 ( Bruns, Fontes.., Tübingen, 1909, p. 170, n. 38 ).

     C. Fannio Strabone, M. Valerio Messala cos.
     M. Pomponius praetor senatum consuluit.
     Quod verba facta sunt de philosophis et de rhetoribus, de ea re ita censuerunt : ut M. Pomponius praetor animadverteret curaretque, uti ei e republica fideque sua videretur, uti Romae ne essent.

►  Bibliography

Bruns, Fontes iuris Romani antiqui, I, Tübingen, 1909, p. 170, n. 38 ; Riccobono, FIRA I, Firenze, 1941, p. 247, n. 32 ; Johnson, Coleman-Norton & Bourne, Ancient Roman Statutes, Austin, 1961, p. 31, n. 34 ; Robinson, The sources of Roman law : Problems and methods for ancient historians, London-New York, 1997.


Traduction française         English translation