Decree of the Senate concerning a funerary association
( Before AD 136 )

F. Ausbüttel, Untersuchungen zu den Vereinen im Westen..., Kallmünz, 1982, pp. 25-29 ).

kaput ex s(enatus) c(onsulto) p(opuli) R(omani) : | quib[us permissum est, co]nuenire collegiumq(ue) habere liceat ; qui stipem menstruam conferre uo|len[t ad facienda sac]ra, in it collegium coeant neq(ue) sub specie eius collegi nisi semel in men|se c[oeant stipem co]nferendi causa, unde defuncti sepeliantur. |

►  Bibliography
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Source : Marble tablet discovered in the ruins of Lanuvium, near Rome, Italy, in 1816