Will of Thaesis
( December 19, AD 123 )

P. Tebt. II, 381
( Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri ).

ἔτους ὀγδόου Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Τραιανοῦ Ἁδριανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ Χοίαχ κβ ἐν | Τεβτύνει τῆς Πολέμωνος μερίδος τοῦ Ἀρσινοείτου νομοῦ. ὁμολογεῖ Θαῆσις | Ὀρσενούφεως τοῦ Ὀννώφρεως μητρὸς Θενοβάστιος ἀπὸ τῆς προκιμένης κώμης | Τεβτύνεως ὡς ἐτῶν ἑβδομήκοντα ὀκτὼι οὐλὴ πήχει δεξιῶι μετὰ κυρίου τοῦ | ἑαυτῆς συνγενοῦς Κρονίωνος τοῦ Ἀμεῖτος ὡς ἐτῶν εἴκοσι ἑπτὰ οὐλὴ μεσοφρύῳ̣ | συνκεχωρηκέναι τὴν ὁμολογοῦσαν Θαῆσιν μετὰ τὴν ἑαυτῆς τελευτὴν | εἶναι τῇ γεγονυίῃ αὐτῆι ἐκ τοῦ γενα̣μένου καὶ μετηλλαχότος αὐτῆς ἀνδρὸς | Πομσάιος θυγατρὶ Θενπετεσούχωι ἔτι δὲ καὶ τῶι τῆς τετελευτηκυίης αὐτῆς | ἑτέρας θυγατρὸς Ταορσέως υἱῶι Σανσνεῦτι Τεφε̣ρσῶτος τοῖς δυσί , τῇ [μὲν] | Θενπετεσούχωι μόνηι τὴν ὑπάρχουσαν αὐτῆι Θαήσι ἐν τῇ προκιμένῃ [κ]ώμῃ | Τεβτύνει ἀγοραστὴν παρὰ Θενπετεσούχο̣υ τῆς Πετεσούχου οἰκίαν καὶ | αὐλὴν καὶ τὰ συγκύροντα πάντα καὶ τὰ ὑπ᾽ αὐτῆς Θαήσιος ἀπολειφθεισό-|μενα ἐπίπλοα καὶ σκεύηι καὶ ἐνδομενίαν καὶ ἱματισμὸν καὶ ἐνοφιλόμε-|ν<α> αὐτῆι ἢ καὶ ἕτερα καθ᾽ ὃν δήποτε οὖν τρόπον, τ[ῷ] δ̣ὲ Σανσνεῦτι διατε[τα]-|χέναι ἀργυρίου δραχμὰς ὀκτὼ ἃς καὶ κομιε<ῖ>ται ὁ Σανσνεὺς παρὰ [τῆς] | Θενπετεσούχου μετὰ τὴν τῆς Θαήσ[ι]ος τελευτήν, ἐφ᾽ ὧι ἡ θυγάτηρ Θενπετ̣[ε]-|σοῦχος ποιήσεται τὴν τῆς μητρὸς κηδίαν καὶ περιστολὴν ὡς καθή-|κει καὶ διευλυτώσει ὧν ἐὰν φανῆι ἡ Θαῆσις ὀφείλουσα ἰδιωτικῶν | χρεῶν· ἐφ᾽ ὃν δὲ χρόνον περίεστιν ἡ μήτηρ Θαῆσις ἔχειν αὐτὴ[ν] | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

English translation ( Advanced Papyrological Information System ).

The eighth year of Imperator Caesar Trajanus Hadrianus Augustus, Choiak 22, at Tebtunis in the division of Polemon of the Arsinoite nome. Thaesis daughter of Orsenouphis the son of Onnophris, her mother being Thenobastis, of the aforesaid village of Tebtunis, aged about 78 years, having a scar on the right forearm, acting with her guardian, her kinsman Kronion son of Ameis, aged about 27, having a scar between his eyebrows, acknowledges that she, the acknowledging party, Thaesis, has consented that after her death there shall belong to Thenpetesouchos, her daughter by her late departed husband Pomsais, and also to Sansneus son of Tephersos, the son of her other daughter Taorseus, now dead, to the two of them, property as follows : to Thenpetesouchos alone, the house, yard, and all effects belonging to Thaesis in the said village of Tebtunis by right of purchase from Thenpetesouchos daughter of Petesouchos, and the furniture, utensils, household stock and apparel left by Thaesis, and the sums due to her and other property of any kind whatsoever, while to Sansneus she has bequeathed eight drachmas of silver, which Sansneus shall receive from Thenpetesouchos after the death of Thaesis ; on condition that the daughter Thenpetesouchos shall properly perform the obsequies and laying out of her mother, and shall discharge such private debts as Thaesis shall prove to owe, but as long as her mother Thaesis lives she shall have power to Ö (Here the papyrus breaks off).

►  Bibliography
Grenfell & Hunt, The Tebtunis Papyri, II, London, 1907, n. 381 ; Moulton & Milligan, The vocabulary of the Greek Testament illustrated from the papyri and other non-literary sources, London, 1930, pp. 234, 299 and 703
 ; Waddell, The lighter side of the Greek papyri : A talk to the St. Andrew's society, Cairo, Egypt, Low Fell, 1932, p. 20 ; Holm, Griechisch- ägyptische Namenstudien, Diss., Uppsala, 1936, p. 142 ; Head, New Testament life and literature as reflected in the papyri, Nashville, 1952, p. 43 ; Taubenschlag, The law of Greco-Roman Egypt in the light of the papyri, 332 B.C.-640 A.D., Warszawa, 1955, p. 205 ; Taubenschlag, Opera minora, I, Warszawa, 1959, p. 466 ; Thrall, Greek Particles in the New Testament : Linguistic and Exegetical Studies, Grand Rapids, 1962, p. 94 ; The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 56, 1970, p. 177 ; CdE, 66, 1991, p. 273 ; Krause, Witwen und Waisen im Römischen Reich, III, Stuttgart, 1995, p. 70 ; Stol & Vleeming, The care of the elderly in the ancient Near East, Leiden-Boston-Köln, 1998, p. 235 ; Bøe, Gog and Magog : Ezekiel 38-39 as pre-text for Revelation 19,17-21 and 20,7-10, Tübingen, 2001, p. 131.
►  Source : Papyrus from Tebtynis.