Petition by a woman who seeks official acknowledgment of her right to act without a guardian
( July 15-23, AD 263 )

( V. Arangio-Ruiz, Fontes iuris Romani antejustiniani, III, Firenze, 1943, pp. 71-73, n. 27 ).

Latin translation

      (N. N. praefecto Aegypti Aurelia Thaisus quae et Lolliana. Leges sunt), perfectissime praeses, quae mulieribus trium liberorum iure ornatis, multoque magis litteras scientibus, potestatem faciunt suas res administrandi et in negotiis quae faciunt sine tutoribus agendi. Et ita ego quoque, cum subolis ornamento praedita tum litteras sciens et quam optime bene scribendi perita, confidentissime per hos libellos meos magnanimitatem tuam inuoco, ut quae hic gero negotia sine impedimento perficere mihi liceat. Rogo igitur sine praeiudicio iurium meorum ut praesentes libelli in tuis uiri perfectissimi actis seruentur, ut mihi succurratur et in perpetuum easdem gratias agam. Vale.
      Aurelia Thaisus quae et Lolliana (libellos) misi ut (praefecto) offerantur. Anno X, mense Epeiph XXI.
      Seruabuntur libelli tui in actis.

Greek text  (
Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri ).

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- | [..].α̣[...]..[.]...[...,] δ[ιαση] | μότατε ἡγεμών, οἵτινες | ἐξουσίαν διδόασιν ταῖς γυναι-|ξὶν ταῖς τῶν τριῶν τέκνων | δικαίῳ κεκοσμημένα[ι]ς ἑαυ-|τῶν κυριεύειν καὶ χωρ[ὶς] κυ-|ρίου χρηματίζειν ἐν αἷς ποι-|οῦν[τ]αι οἰκονομίαις, πο[λλ]ῷ | δὲ πλέον ταῖς γρά[μ]ματα | ἐπισταμέναις. καὶ αὐτὴ τοί-|νυν τῷ μὲν κόσμῳ τῆς εὐ-|παιδείας εὐτυχήσασα, | ἐνγράμματος δὲ κ̣α[ὶ ἐ]ς̣ τὰ | μάλιστα γράφειν εὐκ̣ό̣π̣ως | δυναμένη, ὑπὸ περισσῆς | ἀσφαλείας διὰ τούτων μου | τῶ[ν] βιβλιδίων προσφω<νῶ>   |   τῷ   σῷ   μεγέθει   πρὸς   τὸ   δύνα-|σθαι   ἀνεμποδίστως   ἃς   ἐν-|τεῦθεν   ποιοῦμαι οἰκ[ον]ομία[ς] | διαπράσσεσθαι. ἀξιῶ ἔχε[ιν] | αὐτὰ ἀπροκρίτως τ̣ο̣[ῖς δι]-|καίοις μ[ο]υ ἐν τῇ σῇ τοῦ [δια]-|σημοτάτου   τ[ά]ξει,   ἵν᾽   ὦ   β[εβο]-|ηθ[η]μέν̣η̣   κ̣[α]ὶ̣   ε̣ἰ̣[σ]αεί   σ[οι | χάριτας   ὁμολογήσω. διευτ[ύ]χ[ει.]  |  Αὐρηλία  Θαϊσ[ο]ῦς  ἡ καὶ Λολλ[ι]-|ανὴ διεπεμψάμην πρὸς ἐ-|π̣ίδοσιν. ἔτους ι Ἐπεὶφ β[.]. | ἔσται σο[ῦ] τ̣ὰ̣ βιβλία ἐν τῇ̣ [τάξει.]

►  Bibliography
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 ; Solazzi, Rend. Ist. Lomb., 51, 1918, pp. 586-597 ; Wenger, KritV, 18, 1919, pp. 54 ss. ; Meyer, Juristische Papyri : Erklärung von Urkunden zur Einführung in die juristische Papyruskunde, Berlin, 1920, n. 14 ; Berger, ZVRW, 39, 1923, pp. 303-306 ; Roos, Mnem, 51, 1923, pp. 418 ss. ; ZVRW, 40, 1923, p. 179 ; Rostovtzeff, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft im römischen Kaiserreich, I, Leipzig, 1929, p. 288 ; Moulton & Milligan, The vocabulary of the Greek Testament illustrated from the papyri and other non-literary sources, London, 1930, pp. XXXI and 355 ; Winter, Life and letters in the papyri, Ann Arbor, 1933, p. 54 ; Hunt & Edgar, Select Papyri, II, London, 1934, n. 305 ; Arangio-Ruiz, FIRA III, Firenze, 1943, pp. 71-73, n. 27 ; Arangio-Ruiz, Parerga : Note papirologiche ed epigrafiche, Napoli, 1945, p. 19 ; Stein, Die Präfekten von Ägypten in der römischen Kaiserzeit, Bern, 1950, p. 146 ; Wenger, Die Quellen des römischen Rechts, Wien, 1953, p. 818 ; Csillag, The Augustan laws on family relations, Budapest, 1976, p. 261 ; Foley, Reflections of women in antiquity, New York-London-Paris, 1981, p. 316 ; Youtie, Scriptiunculae posteriores, I, Bonn, 1981, p. 199 ; Trans. New Docs., 2, 1982, pp. 29-30 ; Lewis, Life in Egypt under Roman Rule, New York-Oxford, 1983, p. 63 ; Anagnostou-Canas, RHD, 62, 1984, p. 342 ; Drew-Bear, CdE, 59, 1984, p. 320 ; Fröschl, ZSS, 104, 1987, p. 97 ; Kutzner, Untersuchungen zur Stellung der Frau im römischen Oxyrhynchos, Frankfurt am Main, 1989, pp. 91-92 and 149 ; Delia, Alexandrian citizenship during the Roman principate, Atlanta, 1991, p. 20 ; Gardner, Women in Roman law and society, Indianapolis, 1991, p. 28 ; Harris, Ancient literacy, Cambridge, 1991, p. 280 ; Pestman & Rupprecht, Berichtigungsliste der griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Aegypten, VIII, Leiden, 1992, p. 246 / IX, p. 186 / XI, p. 150 ; Halpern & Whitney Hobson, Law, politics and society in the ancient Mediterranean world, Sheffield, 1993, p. 203 ; Duby & Perrot, A History of Women in the West, Cambridge, 1994, p. 502 ; Pestman, The New Papyrological Primer, 2nd ed., Leiden, 1994, n. 65 ; Arjava, Women and law in late antiquity, Oxford, 1998, p. 119 ; Rowlandson, Women and Society in Greek and Roman Egypt : A Sourcebook, Cambridge, 1998, p. 142 ; Kleiner & Matheson, I Claudia II : Women in Roman Art and Society, Austin, 2000, pp. 141 and 147 ; Cribiore, Gymnastics of the mind : Greek education in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt, Princeton, 2001, p. 76 ; Evans Grubbs, Women and the Law in the Roman Empire : A Sourcebook on Marriage, Divorce and widowhood, London-New York, 2002, p. 39 ; Wolff, Das Recht der griechischen Papyri Ägyptens in der Zeit der Ptolemaeer und des Prinzipats, I, München, 2002, pp. 135, 263 and 267 ; McHardy & Marshall, Women's Influence on Classical Civilization, London-New York, 2004, pp. 158 and 166 ; Kraus, Ad fontes : Original manuscripts and their significance for studying early Christianity--selected essays, Leiden-Boston, 2007, p. 122.
►  Source : Papyrus from Oxyrhynchus ( P. Oxy. XII, 1467 = Sel. Pap. II, 305 = Jur. Pap. 14 ).