Receipt for the return of dowry due to the dissolution of marriage
( AD 2nd century )

P. Mich. VII, 442 = ChLA V, 295 = FIRA III, 20 = CPL 210 ( DDBDP ).

̣...[....].̣c̣ị filia Demẹtriạ [ - ca. 16 - ] conṣiṣt(ens) C̣ol(oniae) | [C]ạẹ[sareae a]ṇn(orum) · xxxviiii corpore  fusco  fa[c]ịẹ  [dedu]cta  naso  recto  lentig̣o  mala | [de]x̣tro  ṭutore auctọre  Glaucipp[o]  A...iani cons(istente) · Col(oniae) Caesar(eae) ann(orum) xxxxviii cor-|p̣ore fusco facie deducta naso recto subcalvo cicatrice supra super-|[c]ilium sinistrum · C(aio) · Valerio Gemello mil(iti) · classis · Aug(ustae) · Alexandrinae  |   ḷịbyrni  Dracontis  cui  ante  nupta  erat  ex quo matrimonio filiọs pro-|creaverunt · Iustum ann(orum) xiiii · Gemellum ann(orum) x · dotis · suae | nomine dixit deditque in aestimio vestis et in numerato praesens | ...[.].[..] - ca. 18 - s q̣ụạm dotem dixit se is Valeṛị[u]s Ge-|[mellus] - ca. 26 -

English translation ( Advanced Papyrological Information System ).

[---] Demetria, daughter of [---, ---], dwelling in Colonia Caesarea, 39 years old, of dark complexion, long face, straight nose, and lentil-shaped mark on her right cheek, with Glaucippus, son of A---ianus, dwelling in Colonia Caesarea, 48 years old, of dark complexion, long face, straight nose, rather bald and with a scar above the left eyebrow, acting as guardian, to Gaius Valerius Gemellus, a soldier of the Augustan Alexandrian fleet and of the Liburnian galley Dragon, to whom she had been previously married, from which marriage there were born sons, Iustus, 14 years old, and Gemellus, 10 years old, and she has promised and has given to him as her dowry clothing by valuation and cash in counted coin ---, which dowry the said Valerius Gemellus has acknowledged [that he has received ---]

►  Bibliography
Sanders, TAPhA, 70, 1939, pp. 581 ss. ; Fink, TAPhA, 72, 1941, pp. 109 ss. ; Préaux, CdE, 1941, pp. 146 ss. ; Wenger, Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wien, 219, 1941, pp. 146 ss. ; Wilcken, APF, 14, 1941, pp. 169 ss. ; Segré, Byzantion, 16, 1942-43, pp. 566 ss. ; Arangio-Ruiz, FIRA III, Firenze, 1943, pp. 54-55, n. 20 ; Schuman, TAPhA, 74, 1943, pp. 202-204 ; Wenger, Anz. österr. Akad., 1945, pp. 100 ss. ; Berger, Journ. Jurist. Papyrol., 1, 1946, pp. 13 ss. ; Sanders, Michigan Papyri, VII, Ann Arbor, 1947, n. 442 ; Solazzi, SDHI, 13-14, 1947-48, pp. 325 ss. ; Berger, RHD, 1948, p. 337 ; Gilliam, AJP, 71, 1950, p. 435 ; Berger, BIDR, 14-15, 1951, pp. 98 ss. ; Cavenaile, Corpus Papyrorum Latinarum, Wiesbaden, 1958, n. 210 ; Seider, Paläographie der griechischen Papyri, I, Stuttgart, 1967, XV, 30 ; Arangio-Ruiz, FIRA III, Firenze, 1968, pp. 610-612, n. 20 ; Bruckner & Marichal, Chartae Latinae Antiquiores, V, Basel-Dietikon-Zurich, 1975, n. 295 ; Gardner, Women in Roman law and society, London, 1991, p. 61 ;
Pestman & Rupprecht, Berichtigungsliste der griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Aegypten, VIII, Leiden, 1992, p. 214 ; Treggiari, Roman marriage : Iusti coniuges from the time of Cicero to the time of Ulpian, Oxford, 1993, p. 361 ; Krause, Witwen und Waisen im Römischen Reich, I, Stuttgart, 1994, p. 210 / II, p. 63 ; Friedl, Der Konkubinat im kaiserzeitlichen Rom, Stuttgart, 1996, p. 262 ; Phang, The marriage of Roman soldiers (13 B.C.-A.D. 235) : Law and family in the imperial army, Leiden-Boston-Köln, 2001, pp. 47-49, 81, 216 and 226 ; Pferdehirt, Die Rolle des Militärs für den sozialen aufstieg in der Römischen Kaiserzeit, Mainz, 2002, p. 212.
►  Source : Papyrus found at Caesarea, Mauretania.