► Bibliography
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146 ; Bell, The Journal of Egyptian archaeology, 5,
1918, p. 71 ; Zilliacus, Zum Kampf der Weltsprachen
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matrimoniale, Frankfurt am Main, 1980, p. 153 ; Papyri greek & egyptian : Edited by various hands
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birthday (P. Turner), London, 1981, p. 159 ; MacCoull, Tyche, 2, 1987, p. 96 ;
MacCoull, Dioscorus of Aphrodito : His Work and His
World, Berkeley-Los Angeles-Oxford, 1989, p. 75 ;
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München, 1992, p. 70 ; Beaucamp, Le statut de la femme
à Byzance (4e-7e siècle), II, Paris, 1992, pp. 130 and 141-142 ;
MacCoull, Le Muséon, 106, 1993, p. 57 ; Mandilaras,
P. Sta Xyla : The Byzantine papyri of the Greek
Papyrological Society, Athens, 1993, p. 77 ; Krause,
Witwen und Waisen im Römischen Reich, II, Stuttgart, 1994,
p. 68 ; Solin & Salomies, Repertorium
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York, 1994, p. 500 ; APF, 43, 1997, p. 389 ; Fournet, Hellénisme dans l'Égypte du VIe siècle :
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pp. 630 and 632 ; Nielsen, ZPE, 129, 2000, pp. 192 and 212 ;
Evans Grubbs, Women and the Law in the Roman Empire :
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2002, p. 214 ; Frösén, Arjava & Lehtinen, The Petra
Papyri, I, Amman, 2002, p. 67 ; Bagnall & Worp, The Chronological Systems of
Byzantine Egypt, 2nd ed., Zutphen, 2004, p. 24 ; Drexhage, Münstersche Beiträge zur Antiken Handelsgeschichte,
23, 2004, pp. 18–40 ; Esposito, Il fragmentum Grenfellianum
(P. Dryton 50) : introduzione, testo critico, traduzione
e commento, Bologna, 2005, p. 93.
► Source : Papyrus from Antinoopolis.