► Bibliography
Maspero, Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du
Musée du Caire : Papyrus grecs d'époque byzantine, I, Cairo,
1911, n. 67121 ; Bell, Greek papyri in the British Museum,
V, London, 1917, p. 189 ; Bell, The Journal of Egyptian archaeology,
5, 1918, p. 71 ; Moulton & Milligan, The vocabulary
of the Greek Testament illustrated from the papyri and other non-literary
sources, London, 1930, p. 667 ; Kraemer & Lewis, TAPhA, 69, 1938, p. 125 ;
Rees, Papyri from Hermopolis and other documents of the Byzantine
period, London, 1964, pp. 28 and 55 ; MacCoull, Dioscorus of Aphrodito : His Work
and His World, Berkeley-Los Angeles-Oxford, 1989, p. 75 ;
Beaucamp, Le statut de la femme à Byzance (4e-7e siècle),
II, Paris, 1992, pp. 130, 140 and 142 ;
Maltomini, Supplementum Magicum, II, Opladen, 1992, p. 226 ;
Krause, Witwen
und Waisen im Römischen Reich, II, Stuttgart, 1994, p. 68 ;
Bagnall, Later Roman Egypt : Society, religion, economy and
administration, Aldeshot-Burlington, 2003, p. 56 ;
Sievers & Lembi, Josephus and Jewish History in Flavian Rome
and Beyond, Leiden, 2005, p. 351 ;
Bagnall, Egypt in the Byzantine world, 300-700, Cambridge,
2007, pp. 239 and 283 ; James in Evans & Obbink,
The language of the papyri, Oxford, 2010.
► Source : Papyrus from Aphrodite.