Fragment to a Roman statute
( Very end of the Republic )

M. H. Crawford et al., Roman Statutes, I, London, 1996, p. 353, n. 23 ).

Nota : the underlined letters indicate the damaged letters.

[---] usque[---] / [---]te in di[ebus ---] / [---]sq(ue) poss[---] / [--- p]ossin[t ---] / [---]+[---]

►  Bibliography

CIL I2 (1986), n. 2925
 a ; Weiss, ZPE, 77, 1989, pp. 145-149 ; Crawford, Roman Statutes, I, London, 1996, p. 353, n. 23.
►  Source : Fragment of a bronze tablet bought in Rome in 1952 ( Bauer collection ).