Caesar M. Aure[lius Severus [Alexan]der, Pius, Felix, Augustus, [son]
of divus Antoninus, Pius, Maximus, grandson of divus Severus, Pius,
Pontifex Maximus, holding the tribunician power for the third time,
consul, [father] of his country, [to the Magistrates] and People of
the Aphrodisians, greetings. |
take away anything from the rights belonging to the city is foreign
to the guardianship [extended to all in my] reign, but to bring under
the same principle the [.. ? ..] in the matter of the present
petition [.. ? ..] has the appropriate ?reputation (?value)
; he will listen, [offering] himself as your fair [?judge] and open
to all. [.. ? .. was ambassador. Farewell]. |
► Bibliography
Pleket & Stroud, Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum,
XXXII, Amsterdam, 1982, n. 1097 ; BE 1983, 380 ;
AE 1984, n. 873 ; Oliver, Greek Constitutions of Early Roman Emperors from Inscriptions
and Papyri, Philadelphia, 1989, n. 278 ; Thériault, Le culte d'Homonoia dans les cités grecques,
Lyon-Québec, 1996, p. 85.
► Source : Inscription on a column discovered at Aphrodisias, Turkey, recorded in 1967.