( AD 326-333 )


( Johnson, Coleman-Norton & Bourne, Ancient Roman Statutes, Austin, 1961, p. 241, n. 305


    Acquisition of ownership by usucapion in the provinces was possible after ten years if the possessor lived in the same province as the other claimants, or twenty years if he did not, and if the usucaptor could furnish a legal title, such as gift, informal sale, etc., and had undisturbed possession during the period. Constantine kept the old rule, but did not require proof of title after possession for forty years.
    The rescript is on a papyrus published in 1937.

Imp. Constantinus Aug. et Constantinus et Constantius Nobb. Caess. Agrippino senatori :
... Our Lords Constantine Augustus and the most noble Caesars Constantine and Constantius to the Senator Agrippinus.
Et diutinae possessionis hactenus placuit ut haberetur ratio, ne ab iis si constat (rem) de qua est quaestio quadraginta annos possessam esse, possessionis titulus requireretur. Placuit etiam, iusto titulo ad annorum decem uel uiginti praescriptionem pertinente (?), possessorem adiuuari, et cetera.
It is our pleasure that the rule of long-time possession shall be observed thus far : that in the case of those persons who can prove possession for forty years, a title to their possession shall not be required. It is also our pleasure that the possessor for ten or twenty years with a legal title of prescription shall be confirmed in his possession, etc.