AD 93-94 )


( Johnson, Coleman-Norton & Bourne, Ancient Roman Statutes, Austin, 1961, p. 161, n. 199


   Apparently the privileges bestowed upon physicians and teachers by Vespasian were abused, and Domitian was forced to forbid the assumption of these privileges by gangs of trained slaves belonging to enterprising Roman businessmen.

[Imp.  Caesar  Domitia]nus  tribuniciae  potestatis  XIII | [imp. XXII cens.  perp. p. p.] A. Licinio Muciano et Gauio  Prisco.
Emperor Caesar Domitian, holding the tribunician power for the thirteenth time, saluted imperator for the twenty-second time, perpetual censor, father of the fatherland, to Aulus Licinius Mucianus and Gavius Priscus.
[Auaritiam  medicorum  atque]  praeceptorum  quorum  ars, | [tradenda  ingenuis adulesc]entibus quibusdam, multis | [in disciplinam cubiculariis] seruis missis improbissime || [uenditur, non humanitatis sed aug]endae mercedis gratia, | [seuerissime coercendam] iudicaui. |
I have decided that the strictest restraints must be imposed on the avarice of physicians and teachers, whose art, which ought to be transmitted to selected freeborn youths, is sold in a most scandalous manner to many household slaves trained and sent out, not in the interest of humanity, but as a money-making scheme.
[Quisquis ergo ex seruorum disciplin]a mercedem [capiet, ei immunitas a diuo patre meo indulta], proinde ac [si | in aliena ciuitate artem exerceat, adim]enda [est].
Therefore, whoever reaps a profit from trained slaves must be deprived of that immunity bestowed by my deified father, just as if he were exercising his art in a foreign state.