( AD 19

( Johnson, Coleman-Norton & Bourne, Ancient Roman Statutes, Austin, 1961, p. 131, n. 157


      In 17 A.D. the Senate at the instigation of Emperor Tiberius gave to the emperor's nephew Claudius Nero Germanicus Caesar a special mandate to settle affairs in the East. Germanicus took the opportunity to visit Egypt, where he opened the imperial granaries, distributed grain at a low price, and had an enthusiastic reception, but he was rebuked by Tiberius for entering Egypt without imperial permission (Tacitus, Ann. 2, 59).
      The papyrus containing the following edicts was reported in 1911.


      Germanicus Caesar, son of Augustus, grandson of the deified Augustus, proconsul, proclaims :
      I have been informed that, as a consequence of my visit, requisitions . . . of boats and transport animals are being made and that the rights of hospitality are being forcibly demanded for billeting and that private citizens are being terrorized.
      I deem it necessary to make clear that I wish no boat or beast of burden to be requisitioned or right of hospitality to be demanded without an order from Baebius, my friend and secretary. If there is any need, Baebius himself will make the distribution of billets fairly and justly. For boats or animals requisitioned, I command that payment shall be made in accordance with the schedule that I have issued.
      It is my will that any persons who disobey shall be brought before my secretary, who himself either will protect private citizens from injustice or will report the matter to me.
      I forbid beasts of burden to be forcibly seized by those persons who meet them as they pass along the city streets, for this is an act of plain robbery.

      Germanicus Caesar, son of Augustus, grandson of the deified Augustus, proconsul, proclaims :
      I acknowledge your good will, which you always display whenever you see me, but I deprecate in every way your semidivine acclamations, which to me are invidious, for they are befitting only the true savior and benefactor of all mankind, my father and his mother, my grandmother. But your acclamation of me is a disparagement of their divinity and, unless you desist, you compel me to make public appearances but seldom.